Criminal Law

Rape and Attempt to Rape

After the Nirbhaya Delhi Gang Rape case, ‘The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013’ came in to force w.e.f 3rd of Feb, 2013. Now this case was recorded as ‘Rarest of Rare case’ in the history of Indian Judiciary case laws. By this amendment act, our legislators introduced some new sections and make some amendments in Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, Indian Evidence Act and Protection of children from sexual offences act.

The 2013 Act expands the definition of rape to include oral sex as well as the insertion of an object or any other body part into a woman’s vagina, urethra or anus. A man is guilty of rape if he commits sexual intercourse with a woman either against her will or without her consent as enumerated under clauses firstly to seventhly under section 375.

Definition of rape (After amendment of Sec 375)

A man is said to commit “rape” if he –
  • Penetrates his penis, to any extent, into the vagina, mouth, urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or
  • Inserts, to any extent, any object or a part of the body, not being the penis, into the vagina, the urethra or anus of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or
  • Manipulates any part of the body of a woman so as to cause penetration into the vagina, urethra, anus or any part of body of such woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person; or
  • Applies his mouth to the vagina, anus, urethra of a woman or makes her to do so with him or any other person, under the circumstances falling under the seven descriptions.

Section 376-D of the IPC– Gang rape

It prescribes punishment for gang rape and says where a woman is raped by a group of persons, then they shall be punishable with rigorous punishment of not less than 20 years, but may extend to life imprisonment, and with fine.

Section 376-E of the IPC– Punishment for repeat offenders

Whoever has been previously convicted of an offence punishable under Section 376 or Section 376-A or Section 376-D and is subsequently convicted of an offence punishable under any of the said sections shall be punished with imprisonment for life which shall mean imprisonment for the remainder of that person’s natural life, or with death.

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